Startup Glossary

Explore startup terms and definitions


Non-Monetary Assets

Non-Monetary Assets are assets owned by a startup that do not have a direct cash value, such as intellectual property and brand equity.

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Non-Operating Assets

Non-Operating Assets are assets owned by a company that are not used in its primary business operations, such as investment properties.

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Non-Operating Income

Non-Operating Income refers to revenue or expenses that are not related to the core operations of the business, such as investment gains or losses.

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Non-Operating Revenue

Non-Operating Revenue is income derived from activities not related to a company`s primary business operations, such as investments or asset sales.

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Non-Operational Expenses

Non-Operational Expenses are expenses incurred by a company that are not related to its core operations, such as interest payments or losses on investments.

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Non-Participating Preferred Stock

Non-Participating Preferred Stock is a type of preferred stock that does not offer the holder the rights to participate in the company`s additional earnings beyond a certain amount.

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Non-Performing Asset

A Non-Performing Asset is an asset that does not produce income, such as a loan in which the borrower is not making payments.

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Non-Preferential Shares

Non-Preferential Shares are shares that do not offer preferential rights in terms of dividends or liquidation proceeds.

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A Non-Profit is an organization that operates for the promotion of social causes and does not distribute its surplus funds to owners or shareholders.

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Non-Profit Motive

The Non-Profit Motive is the intention to operate an organization without the primary goal of making profits for owners or shareholders.

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Non-Recourse Financing

Non-Recourse Financing is a loan where the lender is only entitled to repayment from the profits of the project the loan is funding, not from other assets of the borrower.

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Non-Recourse Funding

Non-Recourse Funding is financing where the lender can seize the collateral if the borrower defaults, but cannot seek further compensation if the collateral does not cover the full amount of the loan.

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Non-Recourse Loan

A Non-Recourse Loan is a loan where the lender`s only remedy in case of default is to seize the collateral securing the loan, without recourse to other assets of the borrower.

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Non-Recurring Revenue

Non-Recurring Revenue is revenue that is not expected to occur regularly, in contrast to recurring revenue streams.

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Non-Solicitation Agreement

A Non-Solicitation Agreement is an agreement that restricts an individual (usually a former employee) from soliciting employees or customers of the business after leaving the company.

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Non-Sovereign Backing

Non-Sovereign Backing refers to financial support or investment not provided by government entities, typically referring to private sector investments.

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Non-Standard Offering

A Non-Standard Offering is a financing or investment proposition that does not conform to the typical terms or structures seen in the market.

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Non-Statutory Stock Option

A Non-Statutory Stock Option is a type of stock option that does not qualify for special tax treatment under the US Internal Revenue Code.

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Nontangible Value

The Nontangible Value is the worth of a company`s non-physical assets, such as brand reputation, intellectual property, and customer relationships.

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Non-Strategic Funding

Non-Strategic Funding is capital raised from sources that do not involve a long-term partnership or strategic alignment with the investor.

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