About Angelsearch

The most comprehensive investor search platform for startups. Find, connect, and manage relationships with over 100,000 investors worldwide.

Built for Fundraising Success

Comprehensive Database

Access detailed profiles of over 100,000 investors, including their investment criteria, portfolio companies, and contact information.

Pipeline Management

Organize your fundraising process with our intuitive pipeline management system. Track progress and never miss a follow-up.

Advanced Search

Filter investors by industry, location, investment size, and more to find the perfect matches for your startup.

Frequently Asked Questions

How accurate is your investor data?

Our data is updated daily through multiple verification processes. We cross-reference public sources, direct submissions, and regular checks to ensure accuracy.

Can I export investor information?

Yes, all paid plans include the ability to export investor data and your pipeline information to CSV format.

How do you handle data privacy?

We take data privacy seriously and comply with GDPR and CCPA requirements. All investor information is collected from public sources or with explicit permission.

Simple, Transparent Pricing

Basic (Monthly)

$49 / month

Access to database of 100,000+ Angels, VCs, and PE investors
Investor's name, job title, location and company
Unlimited searches
Search filtering
Social media profiles
Investment focuses
Investment stages
Investor types
Past investments
Phone numbers
Bulk select investors
Add up to 100 investors to CRM pipeline
Email up to 100 investors per month
Export 100 investors per month to CSV
Get Started

Growth (Monthly)

$89 / month

Access to database of 100,000+ Angels, VCs, and PE investors
Investor's name, job title, location and company
Unlimited searches
Search filtering
Social media profiles
Investment focuses
Investment stages
Investor types
Past investments
Phone numbers
Bulk select investors
Add up to 500 investors to CRM pipeline
Email up to 500 investors per month
Export 500 investors per month to CSV
Get Started

Premium (Monthly)

$169 / month

Access to database of 100,000+ Angels, VCs, and PE investors
Investor's name, job title, location and company
Unlimited searches
Search filtering
Social media profiles
Investment focuses
Investment stages
Investor types
Past investments
Phone numbers
Bulk select investors
Add up to 1000 investors to CRM pipeline
Email up to 1000 investors per month
Export 1000 investors per month to CSV
Get Started