Term Loan

A Term Loan is a bank loan for a specific amount with a set repayment schedule and either a fixed or variable interest rate. It`s used by startups for significant purchases or investments.


A term loan provides startups with essential funding and clear repayment plans.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the meaning of term loan?

A term loan is a bank loan with a fixed amount and payment plan, used for large investments.

What is the term of a loan?

The term of a loan is the duration over which the loan must be repaid, often with fixed or variable interest rates.

What is a term loan Quizlet?

A term loan on Quizlet is a bank loan for a fixed amount that is paid back on a set schedule with interest, used for big purchases or investments.

Key Takeaway

A term loan provides essential funding for startups with a clear repayment schedule.