Illiquid Asset

Illiquid Asset is an asset that cannot be easily sold or exchanged for cash without a significant loss in value, often due to a lack of ready and willing investors or buyers.


Illiquid assets can increase in value. They are a good long-term investment for businesses.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are illiquid assets easily converted into cash?

No, illiquid assets can`t be quickly turned into cash. Selling them fast usually means losing value.

What is the idea validation process?

The idea validation process involves research, surveys, and interviews with potential customers. It`s about getting feedback on your idea to improve it.

Is it better to have liquid or illiquid assets?

It depends on your needs. Liquid assets are good for quick cash. Illiquid assets can grow in value over time but are harder to sell fast.

Key Takeaway

Illiquid assets are not for quick cash. They are long-term investments that might grow in value.