Hierarchy of Investors

Hierarchy of Investors is the order of priority among investors in terms of rights, preferences, and returns, usually established in the terms of investment agreements


Understanding the hierarchy helps investors know when they`ll get paid back. It also shows their rights if the company is sold or goes public.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do preference shares rank in terms of investment?

Preference shares are high in the investor hierarchy. They often get paid dividends before common shareholders.

What is an investor rights agreement?

An investor rights agreement is a contract. It outlines the rights and priorities of investors. This includes things like selling shares or getting information.

What are the investors` registration rights?

Registration rights let investors sell their shares to the public. This can happen through an IPO or on public markets.

Key Takeaway

The hierarchy of investors organizes who gets paid first and their rights. It`s key for both businesses and investors to understand this to avoid surprises.