General Partner (GP)

General Partner (GP) in a venture capital or limited partnership is the partner who takes on the day-to-day management responsibilities and has unlimited liability for the debts of the partnership


GPs can influence the partnership`s success directly. Their active management can lead to high returns on investments.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is a general partner liable for debts of limited partnership?

Yes, a general partner has to cover the partnership`s debts if needed. They have unlimited liability.

What is a limited partner and general partner in venture capital?

In venture capital, a general partner manages the firm and its investments. A limited partner invests money but doesn’t manage daily tasks.

What is the difference between GP and LP in venture capital?

The main difference is in their roles and risks. GPs manage and have unlimited debt liability. LPs invest money with limited liability.

Key Takeaway

General Partners play a crucial role in managing venture capital firms. They take on big responsibilities and risks for potential rewards.